South Chicago Dance Theatre

It’s South Chicago Dance Festival time!! October is coming to a close and we are SO looking forward because November means it is time for our second annual dance festival! As a company member, I am so thankful that we have an artistic director like Kia who is persistent in keeping us and our community performing. Even if it means virtually for the time being, SCDT is so lucky to keep this festival alive and well!

November 17-21, 2020 contains a whole lot of immersive dance experiences. You have the opportunity to join us for various classes, panel discussions, and both a youth and company concert. I am most looking forward to our two concerts as it gives an opportunity for multiple companies and organizations throughout Chicago to be seen and heard at a time where it feels so difficult to do so. Whether supporting in person or through a screen, we feel privileged to share all of our hard work with our audience. You keep us going.

This week in rehearsal, SCDT had the honor of showing one of our pieces to our board members. In speaking with the board, I made mention of how I’ve often looked at dance as a selfish art – something I want to get better at and a dream I’ve personally pursued. In recent years, and especially in working with Kia and our various choreographers, I’ve realized how giving dance truly is – to ourselves, to each other, and to the community. I think that’s something audience members will really connect to through viewing the concert online. Dance connects us all, and we cannot wait to connect with you via our festival!

Purchase your tickets soon and tell your friends, family…anyone! Further information can be found on our “South Chicago Dance Festival” tab.