South Chicago Dance Theatre

All caps because this is a VERY special announcement/post!

South Chicago Dance Theatre has a feature in the February 2021 issue of Dance Magazine! How cool!

Dance Magazine is a publication I’ve been subscribed to receiving in the mail since I was a preteen at a competition dance studio. I used to jump off my couch when my parents announced that it came in the mail…and now SCDT is a part of it. Dance Magazine is huge to dancers – I recall reading articles of how to improve my turns and flexibility, while also learning the top 20 dancers to look out for, information on colleges with dance majors, and interviews with professional dancers and companies. This magazine is all things dance and dancers of all ages and skill levels read it each month.

February’s issue includes SCDT’s feature speaking of our upcoming Black History Month performance alongside other prestigious dance companies throughout the nation. Our own Heather Cagle’s photograph aligns the text that directs readers to information on our virtual performance honoring Black History month and Kia’s new choreographic premieres.

Check it out, you all! For all of Dance Magazine’s readers to get to see the dedication of a black founded and directed company throughout these unprecedented times is amazing. It also brings young dancers’ scope to the Chicago dance scene and all there is to offer here. I am beyond proud of Kia, of our company, and of this huge step in an upward direction for South Chicago Dance Theatre!

This is only the beginning! (Oh, and p.s. check out our Black History Month Performance premiering February 20, 2021! More info and a blog about the process of the show to come!! We never stop moving around here.) Check out the image above for a sneak peek at the February issue! Thanks, Dance Magazine!!